
Financial Planning for Women: 5 Unique Differences

When considering the title of this article, your first thought might be “investing is investing”.  However true that may be, it is also important to consider unique differences for women investors when developing financial strategies.  In the next decade it is believed that an estimated $30 trillion in financial assets could be in the hands of women. In our current environment of shifting wealth and global transformation, the time is right to plan for the future for such an important aspect of our population and economy:  women.

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6 Must Know People as a New Family Trustee

Protecting your family’s legacy through a family trust is an essential part of estate planning. No matter which type of trust you choose, selecting the right trustee is arguably the most important step in the process. Since you stumbled across this article, let’s assume you, the reader, have been selected as family trustee – congratulations!

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How Trustees Can Plan for Crypto Assets in Estate Administration

In January 2009, Hal Finney received the very first crypto asset transaction from bitcoin’s mysterious creator, Satoshi Nakamoto. Finney was a master cryptographer and had been researching a way to create a new type of currency that was private and unbeholden to governments or institutions. A post on a cryptography mailing list about something called Bitcoin intrigued him. Bitcoin pioneered using cryptographic public keys and private key pairs as a way to create a digital currency.  Using this method, Nakamoto sent ten bitcoins to Hal Finney as a test.  Since then, cryptocurrency has exploded into a completely new type of asset class. Proponents believe that the decentralized finance model behind crypto assets will disrupt traditional finance. 

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What is an ABLE Account?

Achieving a Better Life Experience, or more simply titled ABLE, and the ABLE Act offer a tax benefit specifically designed for savings and investment plans for special needs individuals. For families with special needs children, establishing an ABLE account allows you to save money on disability-related expenses, such as housing and transportation, without risking disability benefits. But, what is an ABLE account in terms of qualifications and investment options? We highlight the need-to-know specifics of ABLE accounts below.  

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ETFs vs. Mutual Funds | Pros and Cons for Trustees

The other day, I started playing Trivial Pursuit with my daughter. I normally like to try and answer my weakest category first.  For me that’d be pink – popular culture.  This time, I knew the answer to the question and slid my piece into the circular playing piece with a satisfying click.  Only 5 more colors to go to fill my game piece.

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What’s the Difference: Revocable vs Irrevocable Trust

There’s nothing better than a fresh chocolate chip cookie straight from the oven.  Soft, not crispy, with the chocolate in that perfect gooey texture. There’s that perfect window of time before the cookies cool off and go into the cookie jar for the grandchildren.  If grandma’s nice, she’ll let you sneak a couple before dinner, but usually they’re kept safe so as not to spoil dinner. But, what do cookies have to do with revocable vs irrevocable trusts?

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